Filip Rastovic

Case studies
Trial And Terror (my video game)
Computer graphics & 3D art


Always questioning the world around me, enjoy reading fat books, playing guitar, listening to music, and working out. Used to live in the World of Warcraft as a teenager, defeating the Lich King with the guild <Digital Crew> that I led. I hold a bachelors degree in Software Engineering and have been working with global brands for the past nine years.

Some of my past clients are:
Google, Tipalti, Johnsons & Jonshnsons, Psyop, Paradox Interactive…

There’s a blog on the bottom of this page where I share my both professional and hobby work. Topics are various but it’s mostly about web design, development, software engineering, and 3D art.

As a CRO/Conversion Rate Optimization Lead & Software Engineer, I help e-commerce companies conduct statistically significant experiments (A/b tests) to increase revenue.

Proven track record in E-commerce on-site and price optimization: EPV (Earnings per View), PPV (Profit Per View), and AOV (Average Order Value) without additional ad spent.

Extensive portfolio of landing pages that unlock more efficient ad spend. You can expect a decrease in CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost), an increase in CTR (Click-Through Rate from Landing Page to Checkout), LTV (Lifetime Customer Value), and an overall significant increase in ad spent after implementing my landing pages.

About The Images

You can download my stuff for free! If you print it, shoot me a message of how it looks on your wall! There’s much more on the blog below.